[社] 大型原創芭蕾舞劇 “花木蘭” – 精彩絕倫 不容錯過




35easy 生活饗樂非常榮幸能夠作為這次演出的售票站之一,由即日起前往我們位於 Metro Square大都會廣場 地舖157室的售票站購票(面向 Steeles Avenue, 在貢茶/大都會茶餐廳旁邊),不但可以獨家享有八折票價優惠並且豁免手續費,每購票一張,更可獲贈數字油畫一幅(油畫原價$10),多買多送,請萬勿錯過!


芭蕾舞劇“花木蘭”海報 | 35easy
芭蕾舞劇“花木蘭”海報 | 35easy


芭蕾舞劇《花木蘭》- 多倫多公演資料
時間:2019年9月19日(星期四) 晚上7:30
地點:Living Arts Centre – 4141 Living Arts Drive, Mississauga ON L5B 4B8
票價:$188 / $138 / $88/ $68 (已含稅) (於我們的售票站可享有8折票價優惠)
購票:大都會廣場地舖157室 (3636 Steeles Avenue East, Markham, ON L3R 1K9)
每購票一張,可獲一張贈券,憑券免費換取原價$10 的數字油畫一幅
查詢:647-784-8858(國語) / 647-883-7879(廣東話)


Hua Mulan 

Enjoy our exclusive offer!!  20% off the ticket price!!!

Produced by the Liaoning Ballet of China, it attempts to interpret the classic Chinese story of Hua Mulan through dance and music for local audiences. Mulan’s name originally appeared in the “The Ballad of Mulan”, an ancient Chinese poem composed based on the life story of Hua Mulan dating back to over 1000 years ago. Mulan, the valiant daughter, volunteered to join the army on behalf of her ailing father to defend her country. Despite her well-known military exploits, Hua Mulan excused herself from an official title and returned to her hometown after the war. Distinctive Chinese elements and modern aesthetics are incorporated to suit the taste of today’s audiences. Mulan’s filial piety and loyalty, as well as her feelings for the home and country, are interpreted from a contemporary perspective. Tickets on sales now!

Our location: 3636 Steeles Avenue East, Suite 157, Markham.
Our number: 647-784-8858


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